IvyQ - GLBT Graduates of Ivy League and Similar Schools presents ...
Outfest Movie Night! GAYBY BABY
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
West Hollywood City Council Chambers
624 N. San Vicente Blvd., West Hollywood, CA
Outfest West Hollywood Series is screening U.K. Documentary, GAYBY BABY, on April 6th @ 7:30pm, West Hollywood City Council Chambers. Watch trailer here:
Description: “Kids being raised by same-sex couples are growing in numbers worldwide. We are in a Gayby-Boom. But who are these kids? What do they think about having same-sex parents? And do they face different issues to other kids? At a time when the world is debating marriage equality, these questions are more pertinent than ever. Told from the perspective of the kids, Gayby Baby is intimate and sometimes humorous account of four children and their families.”
R.S.V.P. after buying your ticket(s) available here: http://thegaybyproject.com/screenings-int/
This event is sponsored by IvyQ meetup. Join the Meetup group: http://www.meetup.com/IvyQ_group/