Mount Holyoke Psychology and Education Department present
Lisa M. Diamond, Ph.D, University of Utah
Thursday, November 13, 7:00 pm Hooker Auditorium, Mount Holyoke College
The New Thinking on Sexual Orientation and its Expression Over The Life Course
The past decade has seen profound changes in the scientific understanding of sexual orientation in men and women and its expression over the life course, but little of this information has “trickled down” into conventional understandings of sexual-minority (i.e., non-heterosexual) populations. This presentation will review the most radical changes in our understanding of the origins and expression of same-sex sexuality, including research on sexual "fluidity" (i.e., the capacity for sexual behaviors, attractions, and identities to change over time), differences and similarities between men's and women's experiences of same-sex sexuality, and the implications of this emerging body of work for research, clinical practice, and social policy and advocacy.
Lisa M. Diamond is Professor of Psychology and Gender Studies at the University of Utah. She is best known for her research on female sexual fluidity, which describes the phenomenon of women periodically developing attractions and relationships that run counter to their overall sexual orientation. Dr. Diamond has published over 80 articles and book chapters and has received numerous awards for her research. Her 2008 book, Sexual Fluidity, received the Distinguished Book Award from the American Psychological Association's Society for the Study of LGBT issues.
Free and open to the public ■ Refreshments will be served
For more information call 413-538-2338