(NYC area) Negotiating Success for Women: A Workshop

  • 08 Nov 2014
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Brookville, NY

Negotiating Success for Women: A Workshop

Saturday, Nov 8, 10am-1pm

Workshop Instructor: Professor Maura Belliveau, Mount Holyoke class of '85 and a Lyon's Pride member

Presented by: Hutton House Lectures/Academy for Professional Success

Location: LIU Post, Lorber Hall, Brookville, NY

You may have seen some negotiating tips provided in abbreviated form in the on-line Alumnae Quarterly coverage of the gender wage gap. On Saturday, Nov. 8th from 10 am - 1 pm, Maura is giving a 3-hour workshop on negotiating for women at the Brookville, NY campus of her university (Long Island University) . It is open to all women who have graduated college and have an interest in better understanding how to negotiate in their personal and/or professional life.

Maura reports, "We had a very eclectic audience for the first iteration in September (new college grads to retirees), all professions, and a Mount Holyoke alum. We expect a similarly eclectic group this time. No prior experience in negotiations is required or expected."

You can get a PDF with a description of the workshop in more detail, and registration information, at this link: http://tinyurl.com/WomenNegotiating

The university priced the workshop to be very affordable ($75/person) relative to most treatments of this topic so young women would not be "priced out." Nonetheless, if there are any Lyon's Pride members who are interested but cannot afford this, Maura would donate 3 tuition fees to make it possible for them to attend.

Questions? Contact Maura directly: maurabelliveau@gmail.com

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